Train the boy child.
Make it as elaborate as the methods we use for girls - the constant reminder of what it means to be female.
Teach boys how to use their privileges - these privileges bestowed on them by religion, culture, society, and all the attendant cousins of Patriarchy.
A wicked man is a dangerous thing.
I don't let men get away with bad behaviour.
You may collaborate with a woman to be disrespectful towards me, for instance...
I may leave the woman, but I will come for the man.
I swear, I will come for the man.
These privileges need to be checked.
Life will deal with the woman, I know that for sure.
Patriarchy is the thing around her neck and it won't let go until she is broken.
But when it comes to men... I don't let them get away with bad behaviour.
Badly behaved men are dangerous things.
Patriarchal privileges on a wicked man is the worst human experience for the victims.
The idea of immortality young men assume... the luxury of zero accountability... the entitlement and cultural advantage of being male in society...
Teach them how to turn their privileges to virtues like empathy and kindness and respect.
Let them understand the power they carry and how to use it for good.
They are the police officers with alcohol in one hand and a gun in the other, shooting and killing a 12 year old...
They are the rapists violating and killing women.
They are the 'one million boys' raiders and robbers...
We KNOW all men are not abusers.
But these men who rape and kill are not monsters.
They are MEN.
Call them by their gender - MEN.
Some of you know them. They are your friends.
The not-all-men crew should understand that women do not perpetrate as many rapes, burglary, police brutality, spousal abuse, and sexual assault as men do.
Silence may have protected you for long, but we are teaching the other gender not to be silent anymore.
Women are stripping away shame and guilt.
We are talking.
It might just be what will save us.
No more shame.
We are changing the narrative.
If you have a boy child, train him not just in academic excellence, but how to be a decent and self-respecting human being.
Tell him he has privileges automatically given to him by institutions. Teach him how to use these privileges to build and not to destroy.
When rape happens, society begins its moral lessons on women.
Do you know how crazy it is that we continue to teach one gender how to survive violation, abuse and death from the other gender?
It is sick to fully accept that your life is determined by how men see you.
That much power is disgusting.
These privileges need to be checked.
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